Wilderness First Aid National-certificate course valid three years, covering outdoor-emergencies, Wilderness Medical Problems & first aid remote areas, Vital
Signs, Basic Life Support, Incident management, Triage scenarios/priorities, unconscious casualty, Wounds & Blood Loss, jungle medicine, Shock, Casualty Handling/Packaging,
Respiratory/Circulatory Systems, Wilderness Medical Problems. Wilderness Trauma, Temperature extremes, Bites/stings, Post traumatic stress, first aid in the wasteland, forest first
aid, bush medicine, surviving trauma in the outback. Surviving wounds in the wild, sticks, jungle or hinterland
Natural Pathways Wilderness First Aid This course provides a National-certificate which is valid three years,it covers a wide number of subjects for
outdoor-emergencies like Triage scenarios, Wounds & Blood Loss, Shock, Casualty Handling, Temperature extremes, Bites/stings and the unconscious casualty. We also provide other
outdoor and wilderness oriented education in bushcraft/survival skills in the UK & abroad..... Our courses include YOUTH PROGRAMMES, TRACKING and Families Wilderness
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