Survival Course Testimonials

A Fantastic One Day Flint Knapping Course in some Beautiful Kentish Woodland

Flint Knapping CourseHi Hannah,

Good morning, Yet another great day in the woods on Saturday : ) Flintknapping really is an amazing skill. It was a privilege to watch a man of Will's talent in action, effortlessly turning lumps of rough flint into intricate arrowheads, stone axes and various other essential

Will was a an absolute font of knowledge on his subject, In
just one short day he managed to teach everyone the basics of a skill that would have been so essential to past survival. Will's teaching was both inspirational and informative and I for one will be researching flint knapping and primitive technology much further.

The skill sets required to flint knapp successfully are an absolute art form. Although everyone in our group came along with a different perspective and requirement from the day, everyone seemed to have walked away having achieved their goals. This course was both inspiring and extremely therapeutic, highly recommended.

Many thanks,


Score: 5 out of 5

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